Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sitting, Laying, Sweating

This was the saving moment of my hospital stay..getting to sit up and not be basking in the ass/back/leg sweat that I'd been lying in for the past 2 days. And I regret the seems even beards can get sweaty and greasy. And where was my sponge bath!? The nurse left me with a bucket while I was lying down and couldn't sit up to clean what, my arms? oh great.. so my back, ass, legs, stomach gross stitching are sweaty as sweaty can be.. and my forearms are clean? Makes sense.

After 2 days though it was all good. I started walking basically on saturday and from then on they couldn't contain me. Sunday aft they let me out as I refused to lay in my sweat soaked bed any longer.


  1. Beod,

    Thank you for the great resource for others with (possible) pheos. I had a few but not all symptoms and my doctor sent me in for a CT scan last Friday. I am expecting results soon. In my mind and body I'm expecting (and dreading) that it's a pheo. I'd love some insight and encouragement if you could offer some. You look to have had a positive attitude through the whole thing. Please contact me ASAP as I'll be needing all of the help I can get. Thanks!

    Age: 26
    Reno, NV

  2. Mathew

    Sorry for the delay in responding. Just wondering if you finally recieved the results of your test? Hoping that it was all good and that everything is alright. Take care

